Executive Committee Roles and Responsibilities

The Executive Committee consists of the Chair, Vice Chair, Treasurer and Secretary, who are members of the Steering Committee.

In formulating policy and acting in furtherance of their responsibilities, the Officers and Committees shall adhere to all requirements set forth in the Spring Gardens Lease Agreement (the “Lease”), executed on July 21, 2021 between the City and the Spring Garden Community Development Corporation (“CDC”) as lessee, and it is understood that the CDC and its leadership and the Garden’s Officers and Committees shall mutually collaborate on matters affecting or related to the execution of the terms of the Lease. Any notice required herein to the CDC shall be made by email or letter to the president or vice-president of the CDC.

Consistent with the Bylaws, the Executive Committee officers serve at the pleasure and direction of the Steering Committee, the governing body of The Spring Gardens (“TSG” or the “Garden”), and the following shall serve as a further description of their responsibilities:

TSG Chair

The Chair shall be elected by majority vote of a quorum of the Steering Committee each year and shall be the chief executive officer of the Garden. The Chair shall create periodic agenda for and preside at general membership and Steering Committee meetings; have general and day-to-day management of the affairs of the Garden; execute all orders and resolutions of the Steering Committee; be an ex-officio member of all Committees; be the official spokesperson for the Garden, except when that responsibility has been delegated to another member; and maintain a mutually collaborative working relationship with the CDC, the Farm Philly Program of the Parks and Recreation Department, and other organizations as is necessary to ensure the continued existence and operation of the Garden.   As a qualification for such office, the Chair shall be a member of the Steering Committee, and may be removed as Chair, upon cause, by a majority vote of a quorum of the Steering Committee. 


The Vice Chair shall be elected by majority vote of a quorum of the Steering Committee each year. The Chair shall delegate, in the discretion of the Chair, such responsibilities to [a] assist the Chair in managing the affairs of the Garden as delegated, [b] preside at meetings of the general membership and Steering Committee when the Chair is unavailable, and [c] become oriented to the Chair’s leadership role, function, and processes to facilitate smooth transition between Chair holders when the Chair’s term is ended.  As a qualification for such office, the Vice Chair shall be a member of the Steering Committee, and may be removed as Vice Chair, upon cause, by a majority vote of a quorum of the Steering Committee. 


The Treasurer shall be elected by majority vote of a quorum of the Steering Committee each year. The Treasurer shall keep full and accurate accounts of receipts, including all funds generated from fundraising activities at the Garden, and disbursements and shall process all requests for payments and reimbursement within a timely manner and consistent with the Bylaws and Garden Rules and Regulations. The Treasurer shall reconcile the banking account and all transactions between the bank and accounting software. The Treasurer shall render to Steering Committee members, at regular meetings of the Steering Committee or whenever they may require it, an account of the financial condition of the Garden, and shall submit summary statements of receipts, including all funds generated from fundraising activities at the Garden, and expenditures to the Steering Committee at its regular meetings. The Treasurer will be responsible for generating and filing of all required tax returns and governmental filings necessary to maintain the Garden’s tax-exempt status as a charitable organization. The Treasurer (along with the Chair) will be identified as a signatory on various Garden bank accounts, money transfer apps, credit/debit cards and filings. The Treasurer shall work with the Chair and Committee chairs annually to develop a budget for the Garden, and once this budget is approved, to record it in Garden accounting software.  As a qualification for such office, the Treasurer shall be a member of the Steering Committee with experience in accounting/bookkeeping, and may be removed as Treasurer, upon cause, by a majority vote of a quorum of the Steering Committee. 


The Secretary shall be elected by majority vote of a quorum of the Steering Committee each year. The Secretary shall act as clerk of all official meetings of the Steering Committee and general membership and shall record all votes of the Steering Committee and of the general membership at TSG official meetings and shall record the minutes of all transactions of both bodies. The Secretary shall post the official minutes, once approved as specified in the Bylaws or Rules, on the Garden’s website and via email as necessary to the CDC.  The Secretary shall retain meeting minutes on the Garden’s Google drive taken during his/her tenure and shall provide records from this archive to current Gardeners upon request. The Secretary shall produce, laminate and post or replace new or replacement signage in the Garden as requested or needed. As a qualification for such office, the Secretary shall be a member of the Steering Committee, and may be removed as Secretary, upon cause, by a majority vote of a quorum of the Steering Committee. 


General requirements

Committees shall be established at the direction of the current Steering Committee.

Upon its installation at the outset of each calendar year, and as the need may arise during the year, the Steering Committee shall designate certain Standing Committees to operate for the coming year and appoint member gardeners (who may be, but need not be, Steering Committee members) to chair each Committee.  Each Committee shall include at least one Steering Committee member, who shall be assigned at the beginning of the year.  As requested by the Chair of the Steering Committee, each Committee shall make periodic reports of its activities to the Steering Committee. As requested by the Chair of the Steering Committee, each Committee shall also prepare and present an annual budget to the Steering Committee.

Capital Projects Committee.

The Capital Projects Committee, in mutual collaboration with the CDC, the Facilities Committee and other committees as necessary, shall identify substantial improvements to and construction projects for the Garden.  The Capital Projects Committee shall develop detailed plans for these improvements and ultimately oversee the realization of these projects once approved.   The Committee shall conduct construction projects consistent with the Lease and the Philadelphia Code and regulations thereunder.     

Diversity and Inclusion/Community Relations Committee

The Diversity and Inclusion/Community Relations Committee shall develop and implement a diversity and inclusion plan for the Garden, to foster participation in the Garden and promote programs which create a welcoming environment for all Spring Garden residents, particularly those historically underrepresented and school groups.

Events Committee

The Events Committee shall, with the approval of the Steering Committee, plan and carry out regular events and workshops, including event-specific fundraising, for Garden members and the neighborhood community-at-large during the garden year, consistent with the terms and conditions of the Lease and Exhibit B thereto.  Children's activities ("Sprouts") shall also be included among the Committee's responsibilities to develop and implement programming for children. 

Facilities Committee

The Facilities Committee shall monitor Garden infrastructure, including buildings, sanitation tasks, composting and equipment and, as necessary, recommend repair or replacement of such infrastructure and equipment to the Steering Committee, the CDC and/or to the Capital Projects Committee. The Committee shall ensure that an inventory of tools and other equipment is conducted annually and that the results of this inventory are provided to the Steering Committee for review and replacement.  The Committee shall also check the condition of the perimeter sidewalks regularly and shall coordinate with the Volunteer Committee to keep the Garden sidewalks and gutters free of weeds, trash, and dead leaves year-round, and to coordinate with the CDC to ensure snow removal and salting in the winter months.   

Volunteer Committee

The Volunteer Committee is responsible for the recruitment and coordination of volunteer efforts for the Garden.  The Committee will coordinate with other committees to identify tasks and ensure there are enough volunteers for projects and maintenance.  Its responsibilities include scheduling work days, communicating with volunteers in advance of work days, keeping a record of members to determine who completed their obligations, and following up with members as needed.  The Committee will provide a "to do" list and a coordinator for each work day and secure supplies and equipment as needed.  

Communal Areas Gardening Committee (formerly Horticulture Committee)

The Committee plans, plants, maintains, and waters as needed to ensure the beautification, growth and continued survival of the plantings in the Garden and other designated common Garden beds, rock garden and perimeter sitting areas. This Committee also oversees the fruit trees/cherry orchard area and herb garden.  The Committee may conduct workshops on gardening and plants as deemed desirable. The Committee shall work with the Chair and Treasurer each year to formulate a budget for the needed plantings, recruit volunteers from the Garden and/or from the community at large as are necessary to carry out its mission and, to the best of its ability, maintain accurate records of all new plantings installed during its tenure.

Plot Assignment and Monitoring Committee

The Plot Assignment and Monitoring Committee shall maintain the list of current member gardeners, a plot Waitlist, and the plot transfer request list.  The Committee shall adhere to the policies established by the Steering Committee in how gardeners and Waiting List participants shall be assigned plots, including any priority provided to neighborhood "PHA Residents" as required by the Lease.  The Committee shall ensure that members have paid any fees, where applicable, and signed any agreements required by the Steering Committee, and it shall orient all members to the Garden and to its Bylaws and Rules and Regulations. The Committee shall approve each new addition to the Waiting List.

At the start of the garden season, the Committee shall renew existing plot assignments upon payment of member gardener fees, where applicable, reassign plots to member gardeners who have requested a plot transfer, and assign available plots to participants on the Waitlist.   The Committee shall hold orientations for all incoming member gardeners, including new “PHA Residents” gardeners.  The Committee shall give periodic reports to the Steering Committee and the Spring Garden CDC on the membership, plot assignments and Waiting List. The Committee shall annually produce a plot map depicting the name and plot number of the particular Gardener(s) assigned to each plot and publish it appropriately.

As part of its plot monitoring function, the Committee shall periodically survey all Garden plots to ensure that, consistent with the Garden Bylaws, Rules and Regulations and the Lease, all plots are being gardened actively and that violations are not occurring.  The Committee Chair shall issue violation letters/emails for plot maintenance issues as set forth in the Rules (with a copy to the CDC for violations related to PHA Residents). The Committee Chair may also impose a probationary period of one year for new gardeners and for gardeners who habitually engage in Rules violations, during which time the Chair may impose proactive monitoring and/or take remedial actions and waive the usual plot maintenance violation letter requirements under the Rules.  The Steering Committee delegates to the Committee Chair its authority under the Rules to expel member gardeners for all Rules and probation violations, subject to a review by the Steering Committee if appealed.  

Communications Committee

This Committee shall maintain the Garden’s website and shall periodically (at least twice a year) review both the content and its currency and the layout and structure of the website and make recommendations for updating or change. The Committee shall post the Garden’s governing documents, Rules and Regulations and other information relevant to the membership and to the public on the Garden’s website. The Committee shall inform the general membership, Steering Committee members, and the CDC as appropriate about issues of concern and Garden events, via website publication, email and other means. Major changes to the website shall be brought to the Steering Committee for review and approval. The Committee shall produce and post or replace new or replacement signage in the Garden as requested or needed.

City Harvest Committee

The City Harvest ("CH") Committee cultivates and harvests vegetables in separate areas of the Garden designated for its activities   The Committee is comprised of TSG gardeners and volunteers from outside of the Garden.  The Committee Chair coordinate the weekly distribution of the harvest to local foodbanks throughout the growing season.  CH receives support from the City Harvest program of the Pennsylvania Horticultural Society ("PHS"), which program includes over 125 community gardens through the region.  CH at the Garden has consistently been the largest non-farm producer in the PHS program.  

Task Force/Ad Hoc Committees:

The Chair may appoint a task force or ad hoc committee, comprised of Steering Committee members and member gardeners, as needed and appropriate, to fulfill the mission of TSG and to complete short-term projects.  Any such committee shall report its activities to the Steering Committee. A task force or ad hoc sub-committee shall preferably be associated with a Standing Committee.


Ad Hoc Advocacy Committee for the Construction of the Storage Shed

The Ad Hoc Advocacy Committee for the Construction of the Storage Shed shall be a subcommittee of the Capital Projects Committee.  The subcommittee will be co-chaired by the chair of the Capital Projects Committee and another member, and a representative of the CDC will also be included.     

Members of the Storage Shed Ad Hoc Advocacy Committee oversee the many facets of the project that will include the following tasks:

—Create, with the CDC’s assistance, a "Request for Proposal" for the bidding for a contractor to build the Cicada-designed storage shed for the Garden (the “shed");

— Review the Garden’s proposed form contract, and make revisions as necessary, in collaboration with the CDC, to assure that it conforms with the terms of any grants that might be secured for the project, and provides adequate protection for the Garden, the City, and the CDC;

—Reviews all bids that are received and recommend to the Steering Committee and the CDC the selection and contracting of a contractor to build the shed;

—Recruit volunteers to the Committee who are willing to do the fundraising necessary to pay for the project;

—Recruit volunteers to the committee who are willing to participate in the communication regarding the project throughout the year;

—Report the status of the project to the Steering Committee periodically at their monthly meeting.

Approved by the Steering Committee Feb. 5, 2024